Every good tan starts with the right amount of preparation. Simple.
We’ve all been there. We’ve all rushed our tan application, not sufficiently prepped and had to deal with the patchy consequences – but no more! It’s super easy to achieve a perfect streak-free and natural looking tan, every single time, if you just nail your prep and use the right tools to give you a helping hand.
Every patch, streak, tide-mark and dark bit is avoidable. We promise!
Remove Unwanted Hair: Make sure you shave / wax / epilate at least 24 hours before you’re intending to tan, so the skin has a chance to recover from any potential irritation and pores have sufficient time to reduce in size (so you don’t get that speckled look).
Exfoliate Thoroughly: Ensure any dry or dull skin is buffed away, leaving a smooth and even surface with which to apply your chosen tan. The result will be far more even and long-lasting! Our Pre-Tan Primer and Exfoliating Mitt are perfect to use prior to tanning to gently, but effectively remove any dryness.

If you’re brave enough, a quick cold shower will help to ‘close’ pores and ensure a super even finish. Brrrrrrr. We know, but it’s worth it!

Lightly moisturise the areas of your body that tan is likely to ‘stick’ too – including elbows, knees, hands and feet. Don’t forget your heels and back of your wrists, which often show tell-tale signs of a tanning sesh! This will help to prevent tan overload in these areas, or unsightly marks.
Make sure your skin is otherwise clean of deodorant, perfume and oils, which can stop the tan from adhering to skin properly.
Once the colour has fully developed, wash off the guide colour in a warm shower using a gentle cleanser; steaming water or harsh cleansers can cause the tan to fade quicker, and you don’t want to ruin all your hard work!
Your tan will fade as your skin cells naturally shed, so if you keep them hydrated your tan will last longer! Apply an oil-free moisturiser daily, especially to areas that are prone to dryness, and don’t be afraid to gently exfoliate dry areas too. Our Pre Tan Primer is perfect for helping to nail this process.

If you spend a little extra time preparing and applying your tan perfectly, you’ll save lots of time in the long run attempting to fix or re-apply it.
What's that your mother always used to say?
If it's worth doing, it's worth doing well....
Happy Tanning! x